Thursday, June 24, 2010

The Chemo Made Me Do It!

Until recently, doctors didn’t really recognize the existence of what is known so lovingly to us chemo patients as “chemo brain.” Now, there have been enough studies on the subject that doctors are coming around. The American Cancer Society defines chemo brain as a mental cloudiness that is caused by changes to the brain that deal with memory, planning, putting thoughts together, monitoring thought processes and behavior and inhibition. Now most people have issues from time to time but I’m here to tell you folks, this chemo brain is no laughing matter. Well, wait, yeah it is actually. It can be downright hysterical sometimes. So here are a few things I have done that I would like to blame on Chemo:

• Left the front door wide open for who knows how long. I only noticed it was open because Kaia came up to me and said, “I don’t think you are supposed to leave that door open because I could get out.”

• One night I knew I had gotten two nighttime diapers out for the kids but couldn’t find them anywhere. The next day while doing laundry, I found them in the dryer.

• Now, my sister can probably tell you more about this but I have a horrible time telling stories and forming my thoughts into actual sentences when talking. Many times when talking to her, I’ll try multiple times to tell a story and finally in the middle just say, “Forget it, I’m done with that story.”

• I found myself standing at the front door trying to lock it with my car alarm. Had the alarm pointed to the lock and was pushing the lock button over and over again. Finally, the repeated honking of my car brought me out of my fog and I realized what I was doing.

• Here’s one that everyone can relate to because I am sure it has happened to you. It happened to me before chemo but now it happens about 100 times more often. I get to a room and can’t remember why I went in there. I start to do something and then in the middle forget what it was I was doing.

• The latest thing I have done is put my book in the fridge. I looked all over the house for it and then about an hour later I went to the fridge to get some OJ and there it was nice and chilled.

So as funnier things happen I will let you know but for now if I do something stupid around you, you know it’s the chemo. :)

Love to all.


  1. Well, I can't blame it on "chemo-brain" but I'm always picking up my office phone and while holding it, I try dialing on the adding machine and then I'll get "disgusted' because the call will not go through.

    My friend Teri (who did take Chemo) has driven up to her house and reached to her visor to open the garage................and they don't have a garage.

    I'm glad you can laugh at it. I am so proud of you. You are the bravest person I know. I always look forward to a report after your chemo treatments. (that's why I stalk you on your blog)

    As your Mom and I was talking last night....we are all also very proud of Kevin, he also has been amazing through this. Cancer is a disease that affects the whole family. You really have a great support group.

    Well, I better stop before I type more than you did. (chatty Kathy)

    Love you lots and continue to pray for you, Kevin and those adorable babies.

  2. Yes you have done some silly things,but who hasn't? At least you have an excuse. When it comes to me,I think I am losing my mind or I just don't think when I am doing something. Such as I went to turn off the the water in the yard for mom and when I came back in,not 5 minutes later I ask her if she wanted me to turn off the water? She look at me and said Lois you just did.At least you can laugh at your self,me oh well that's just me. You are still an amazing woman.My love and prayers are with you always.

  3. What's my excuse? :)

    Love you Crystal, you are still my hero.....

  4. Im with Boo Boo - Whats MY excuse?! LOL I have fired up Yahoo Messenger on my cell phone and then held my phone to my ear waiting for it to ring, I have tried to lock the front door with my car alarm thingy, I go into rooms an forget why I went in there (on a very daily basis), and the list goes on and on and on and on and on and - well I'm sure you get the point! Glad to hear that you are doing well and that you can laugh at the silly things that happen! Lotsa love and prayers for you all!!

  5. Hilarious! Laughed out loud :) Blessings, Tori and the Miller fam

  6. Chemo brain? When I found my glasses in the freezer it was definitely a case of vodka brain - are you sure you're not frontin'?

  7. Now, my sister can probably tell you more about this but I have a horrible time telling stories and forming my thoughts into actual sentences when talking. Many times when talking to her, I’ll try multiple times to tell a story and finally in the middle just say, “Forget it, I’m done with that story.”

    I do that to you all the time...and I don't normally have the pregnancy excuse for it. ;)
