Thursday, April 1, 2010

The Incredible Shrinking Tumor

Hip Hip Horray! I have a shrinking squishy tumor! The chemo is already starting to do its evil magic! The nurse and oncologist were thrilled with the results! Both threw their hands in the air and yelled “Squishy Boobies!” when they felt it. Never thought that I would want my boobies described as “squishy”. (Oh, quick story they told me last week. A girl about my age would come in wearing Mardi Gras beads to her appointments. She said if so many people were going to see her boobies, she was going to wear some beads! I love that story!)

My lab work showed that my white blood cell count was down from 7 last week to 2.3 this week which we knew would happen. The chemo kills the cancer but also kills healthy cells as well. The normal range for females is 4.8-10.8 but they weren’t frightened by the 2.3. At least there are still some cells in there fighting off infection. The rest of the blood work was good.

We also officially staged the cancer as a Stage IIIA. I know several of you have been asking that. They assured me that I will still beat it! Like we ever doubted??

In other news, chemo took on a whole new level of suck on Tuesday and Wednesday. For the most part I have felt fine and I am so grateful for that but Tuesday and Wednesday I felt very crappy. (“Crappy” by the way is the medical term the nurse and I used today to describe it. I’m learning so much from those people!) I, however, have not been nauseous and I would much rather feel crappy than be nauseous. Kevin has been a champ helping me rest and waiting on me. He may not understand how chocolate covered peanut butter candy help me feel better but he gets them for me anyway. Oh my gosh, the eating! Have I mentioned that yet? I am eating like a mad woman. No loss of appetite here yet. I’m told it is the steroids that I have to take three days after chemo that is causing that. It’s worse than when I was pregnant. (That’s right, watch out white powdered donuts and chocolate milk!)

We wish everyone a very happy Easter!

Love to all!


  1. Happy Happy news! Prayers are being answered. So glad you have an appetite! Hope you all have a great Easter and will continue to keep you in thoughts and prayers.
    Love ya!

  2. Incredible, absolutely incredible news! Thank God!! Hope you have a great Easter. We love you!!

  3. I'm pretty sure chocolate covered peanut butter candy can make any level of suck not be quite so bad!! Or chocolate covered strawberries, or chocolate covered caramel, or chocolate covered.... Well chocolate covered ANYTHING really works in my world!! So glad to hear the great news you got today - and no, there was never any doubt!! So I know you have your list of the positives of having cancer... I found a positive today not to having cancer in general but a positive that you personally can be thankful for... A girl that I went to school with said today that a friend of hers is having surgery tomorrow. to remove a breast cancer tumor - she has been doing chemo for a while already... The kicker - she's 6 1/2 months pregnant!! So just remember, it can ALWAYS be worse! Keep that fighting spirit alive chica - hope your moments of suck dont get too terribly bad! Love ya!!!

  4. Praise the lord. That is wonderful news. I have always known that you were one tough cookie. Have a happy Easter. Love to you all.

  5. Looks like our prayers are being answered already. Awesome news! I'll take squishy boobs anyday!

  6. Yeah for you and your squishy boobies! I'm not taking steroids but, I agree chocolate anything will make things better. Keep on kicking ass!
    Hugs, kisses and prayers----

  7. "I am here to eat chocolate covered peanut butter candy and kick cancer's ass. And I'm all out of candy!!"
