Thursday, March 18, 2010

Breast Support And Other News

I received a card from my friend, Whitney, a young , beautiful and strong breast cancer survivor. She signed it, "Your breast buddy." Too cute not to pass along (and steal) and I know she won't mind.

The surgeon called yesterday to check on me. 6 of the 9 lymph nodes removed had cancer. She said (as she told Kevin when I was in recovery) that because of the way the cancer is acting and because it is so aggressive she would recommend a bi-lateral mastectomy regardless of the BRAC Analysis results. We are totally on board with that. Prevent, prevent, prevent reoccurrence. The BRAC results did come back negative so I am not a carrier of the mutant cancer cell. (YEA!!) Hopefully, I can get this drain out Monday but we have to wait until less than 30ML is draining per day. Now I am getting 30 about two or three times a day but Monday is a long way off so keep your fingers crossed. This drain sucks! (Pun intended!)

I can't say enough how grateful I am for the breast support team!

Love to all!


  1. You hang in there. I know you got so much going on right now. When I got the news about the gene test, that made me the happiest G-Ma in the whole USA.You got lots of prayers coming your way, that will help you more than the Dr. Hugs & kises to you & Kevin & the kids. Love You

  2. I ordered Britt a shirt this morning that says "My niece is kicking cancer's ass!" I can't wait to get it in. Glad to hear that you are not a carrier. Have a great weekend with your mom and dad.
    Hugs and kisses

  3. You're amazing. Lifting you up, Kris,Tori and crew

  4. Keep on fighting. You are amazing.

  5. Love you Crystal! Hope you and Kevin both get some rest over the weekend while Gigi and Papa are there. Lifting you and your familiy up in prayer many many times a day.


  6. Love to you and your family. Enjoy your Mom and Dad this weekend and know that Johnny and I are praying for you daily. We must never believe there's a problem too big for God to handle. Hugs coming your way..........

  7. I am thrill that your gene test came back ok. I hope you enjoy your visit with your mom and dad.Kisses and hugs to the kids. Love you all.

  8. You are loved and prayed for many times a day. Keep up that feisty attitude.
