Monday, March 8, 2010

News from today's Dr. visit

Kevin and met with my surgeon this morning. I apologize for updating the blog so late but I had to schedule other appointments and Kaia and Caleb both have pink eye and Caleb has a double ear infection so we took them both to the doctor this afternoon. They both got some medicine and should be well soon.

The surgeon explained to us today that the pathology results seem to indicate the cancer has not spread to the lymph nodes (which is great) but she couldn't be sure until she took out the tumor. This means she also can’t tell us at this point what stage we are dealing with. I took the BRAC Analysis test today that will determine if I am the mutant carrier of the cancer gene. (Or, wait was that a mutant cancer gene...?) That test should be back in a week. At this point surgery and chemo are in my near future (Dr. Wants surgery done next week) and radiation may soon follow. The decision we are left to make is what kind of surgery we want. A lumpectomy to remove the lump, a mastectomy or bi-lateral mastectomy. I am pretty much waiting on the BRAC results before deciding. I want to make an informed decision. One that will leave my kids with a mommy for a very very long time. Within the next couple of days, I will have a CT Scan done to ensure there is no cancer anywhere else, meet with an Oncologist and a plastic surgeon.
Again, we appreciate all of the prayers, thoughts and kind words. We are so lucky to have such fabulous and supporting family, friends, co-workers, colleagues and even complete strangers ready to get in the trenches and fight with us.
Love to all.


  1. Kyle and I are a phone call away! Kyle would love to come hang out with Kaia and Caleb and me, well, I'm here for moral support. Remember, I'm unemployed. Not to leave Britt out, he'll be back on Friday and like me, he's all about helping and doing whatever it takes to "KICK THIS CANCER'S ASS!" Hugs and Kisses to you, Kevin, Kaia and Caleb.....

  2. Crystal, I'm amazed by your strength. I have no doubt you will kick it's ass. If you need anything, we're here.

  3. Had you on my mind all day, covering you ( and your precious family) in prayer. Thanks for the update. Hugs, Tori and Kris
