Thursday, March 11, 2010

New Battle Plan

We met the oncologist yesterday and love love love her! She is a bad mamma jamma. I think I actually felt the cancer wince in fear when she walked in the room. So the new plan is to go through the chemo first and the surgery when it’s done. Some reasons for attacking it this way are to see how the cancer reacts to the chemo, get the worst part of treatment out of the way first, allow more time for more test results to come back before having to decide what surgery option to take and there is a slim possibility (not holding my breath) that the chemo would kill the cancer completely and no surgery would be needed. Again, the chances of that happening are slim and would also depend on other test results so I’m pretty much throwing that out for now. What a relief Kevin and I felt when we walked out of there. Having to decide on what type of surgery to do next week and pick a plastic surgeon so quickly was a big stress. We love this new plan. I did ask what changing the order of things does to the chances of beating it and she said it doesn’t change that really but she thinks we will see studies come out soon that suggest this method increases your chances of beating it.

So I will have a MRI and bone scan sometime soon and start chemo at the end of next week. It will be rough but I can handle it.  She said I may be really tired but can give me medicine to combat the nausea. I will lose my hair about two to three weeks after chemo starts so she gave me a Rx for a wig and set me up with a cool place that specializes in chemo patients. Kevin asked for a wig Rx too but she said nope. :)  I am actually pretty excited about losing my hair. How odd is that? But the way I see it, the positives outweigh the negatives by a ton:

• I don’t have to worry about washing or styling my hair.
• I will cut my “get ready” time down drastically.
• No shaving!
• Save money on coloring and cutting my hair. (though I just found a girl I love and was in the process of funk-i-fying my color)
• I look damn cute in bandannas.

So the thing that is a little troubling to me is losing my eyebrows. I don’t know why that bothers me most. But I told my sister and Kevin that I wanted to get two big bushy fake mustaches to use as eyebrows so I can look like a Sesame Street character. I think it is a fabulous idea but they don’t agree. :)

So, the only change is the game plan but the outcome is still the same. Say it with me…Kicking this cancer’s ass!

On another note, Kaia and Caleb are doing much better! The pink eye has cleared up and they don’t look like two little stoner babies anymore!

Thanks to all for the continued thoughts and prayers. We are still getting messages of love and hope from so many people and truly appreciate it. Love to all!


  1. Your humor and positive attitude about this just absolutely ROCKS! I believe attitude can play a major role in recovery. I am officially now on a mission to find you some big bushy eyebrows. Your family is in my prayers daily.

  2. You are so amazing! I'm so proud of you. With your attitude there is no doubt you will kick this. It will be one hell of a victory party at the end! Give it to the good Lord and keep up the possitive attitude. We love you and will continue to lift you up in prayer.


  3. You know..that will allow you to officially join the Kabalds at work. Just a thought. :)

  4. You are sooo awesome. Glad to read your posts. Kyle and I need something to do during spring break...let me know if there is something we can do to help. I'm going to call gyn in the morning for my yearly, it's been 3 years. Kicking cancer's post at a time!
