Thursday, July 8, 2010

Just Tingling with Excitment (Not really, its just neuropathy)

Round 7 is done! I’m still doing really well. My fingers, hands, arms, toes, feet and legs started tingling last night but it was gone this morning. It is a common side effect of the Taxol so we knew it was probably coming. I started noticing last week that I had trouble typing and turning pages in books so I figured it was on its way. It kind of feels like you feel when a part of your body falls asleep. That pins and needles feeling. At first it was a pretty cool feeling but after about 5 hours, it sucked! It wasn’t too terribly painful but I did notice my feet started to hurt after a while. I called the oncologist this morning like the good little patient that I am and they prescribed some meds for me that should help. The worry with the neuropathy (fancy word for the pins and needles) is that it could be permanent if not controlled. It could cause issues with doing regular life events like driving and walking. So we will test out these meds. If they don’t work we will either lower the dose of Taxol I get weekly or stop the treatments early. While stopping the treatments early sounds mighty fine to me, I hope the meds work. I want those little bastard cancer cells to die a miserable death and I don’t want them to get excited if we quit early. So if you see me stumbling around and fumbling when I am trying to pick things up, I promise I’m not drunk. Well, no, I don’t promise that but I do promise I will blame it on the neuropathy.

Love to all!


  1. Yay...7 down...5 to go?? As your #1 stalker I should probably know this for sure. Sorry to hear about the neuropathy. Hope the meds work and good for you getting on them early. I believe with your will and determination, neuropathy will not be permanent for you. You will kick its ass too. Keep up your determination and of course... always your faith. You've got this!

    Love you

  2. I am gald to hear that you are feeling pretty good. Like Martha, I am gald that you have started the meds. I know that you will fight this with everything you have and you will win. This I know because you are one strong and determined women. Always know that I love you and my prayers are with you all.

  3. Yay!! Closing in on these treatments. Glad to hear you are more than half way there. I am sorry to hear about the tingling, but I do pray that the meds will work. I'm always thinking of you and you are always, always in my prayers.........Love you
