Thursday, September 2, 2010

A Load Off My Chest

As many of you have probably already heard, we received the wonderful, fantastic, fabulous news today that the pathology from my mastectomy showed “no evidence of cancer”! All together now: SUCK IT CANCER! I have been on an emotional high all day! When talking about it today, my mom said, “Well, I bet that’s a load off your chest! Literally!” When I stopped laughing, I immediately said, “Can I use that for my next blog update?”

The surgeon was just as thrilled as we are. I’m not even sure my oncologist knows yet but she should be getting the report soon and plus I see her next week. I asked the surgeon if I could declare myself cancer free but she said they usually don’t let people say that until they have been free of the cancer for 10 years. She did however reluctantly say that I could use the word remission if I wanted. I want. I so want.

After we celebrated the fab news she examined me and said I was doing great and heeling really well (thank you Pink Ribbon Cowgirls for the Arnica Montana suggestion). Then it was time to take out those nasty ass drains. The thought of her pulling them out actually made me cringe but I so wanted them gone. Well, it didn’t hurt one bit. Her touching the area hurt but not the actual pulling them out. And what relief I felt when they were gone! I am still really sore and won’t be lifting the kids anytime soon but no drains is big. I can’t even begin to explain to you how uncomfortable they are. However, I will say the Breast Cancer Resource Center gave me two things that are a must have for any mastectomy survival kit: specially made pillows that you throw over your arm like a purse to help keep a nice cushion between your arms and the sensitive area and specially made camisoles that Velcro in the front and on the shoulder with built in pockets to hold the drains. Both of those lovely items were made by volunteers who in my opinion cannot get enough thank yous. So if you know anyone (hope not) who is about to go through a mastectomy, send them my way for some tricks of the trade. For instance, mom/dad/Kevin bought me a fanny pack for the shower. Strapped that baby around my waist, put the drain bulbs in it and zipped it up. Are you picturing the hotness that I have been this week in the shower? Bald, no boobs and a fanny pack holding the drains. Oh yea, I’m that sexy!

Which brings me to something I am sure many of you are wondering about: just exactly how am I dealing with the whole no boob thing. Well, I am doing really well with that. It actually doesn’t bother me at all. I was more worried about offending other folks like my mom and Kevin as they help me dress and such (I would say my sister but before I was even out of the hospital she said, I wanna see!) but I got over that real quick. I’m not saying I will be flashing anyone come Mardi Gras because it is quite hideous looking but whatever. I’m alive and able to kiss on my babies and that is what matters. Plus it is only temporary and then I get new perky ones. And until the new ones are here, I don’t have to wear a bra.

So the plan stays the same, radiation and reconstruction are next but after today’s good news, I know it’s not all for nothing. Thanks a million times for all of the prayers which have obviously been answered!

Love to all!


  1. Absolutely fabulous! We have an AWESOME GOD! I just can not express how thankful and how happy I am for you. SUCK IT CANCER!

    Love you,

  2. I am so happy things have worked out like they have. See, I'd be looking forward to the "perky" boobs too. You're amazing Crystal. I hope only good things come your way from here on out.

  3. I can't began to tell you how happy I am for you.When I got the news all I could do was shout Alleluia thank the Lord.The way you are handling everything is just amazing. You really are one very strong and beautful woman.I thank God every day for blessing me with such a courageous neice. My love to you all and again I say Thank you God.

  4. Praise the Lord!! Thank you God for answering all our prayers!!! Crystal, talking about how sexy you must be in the shower, all I ever see in my mind when I think of you, is a totally awesome, amazing Woman with a capital "W". Love ya!!

  5. So, so happy to hear your wonderful news. I guess now you have to change the part on your main blog page about having cancer. Now you are a woman who is in remission :)

    Much love to you my dear lady! You are truly inspiring.

