Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Mama Said Knock You Out

I am sitting in the chair waiting on my fourth and final AC treatment! Mama's ready to knock it out!  I am very excited about this for multiple reasons. First and foremost, this is the first thing that has been completed in my treatment. I can check something off the list now. For those that know me well, you know that means I can strike through the text in my Excel spreadsheet. Oh how I like my Excel spreadsheets. Also, the next treatment in store for me isn’t supposed to be as mean. Well, that’s what they keep telling me anyway but then they say stuff like, “you will feel like you have the flu for a couple of days a week” or “sometimes people don’t make it through the whole 12 treatments so we have to cut back to 10 because it’s too rough on them.” But I think the reason the Taxol is supposed to be nicer is because it typically doesn’t mess with your blood count and it doesn’t usually make people sick to their stomachs. That is a big plus if I ever heard one! One of the major things the oncologist told me this morning that they look for is numbness or tingling in hand and feet. If you catch it early enough, they can control it. However, it is one of the only things that can be permanent from the chemo. No worries, they watch me like a hawk anyway. I didn’t get sick from the third round so we scheduled fluids for next week just like we did with round three so keep your fingers crossed it works this time too!

Some great news is that we can’t even feel the tumor anymore. The chemo has shrunk the tumor tremendously. Of course, that doesn’t mean that it isn’t there but it does mean the chemo is working and that is something to be thankful for. My oncologist and I are both anxious to see what the pathology results are like when they do the bilateral mastectomy.

We had a great weekend this past weekend. Kevin and I celebrated six years of our fabulous marriage. I asked him if he ever thought we would celebrate our six year anniversary with two kids and both of us being bald. Man, when that man said “in sickness and in health”, he really meant it. What a trooper he has been and continues to be. I’m a lucky lucky woman. Anyway, we celebrated by having a fabulous dinner at Trulucks and then finished off with Kevin Fowler at an outdoor show. It was great. Then Sunday morning, we got up, went and had breakfast and bought bikes and a trailer to pull the kids in. It is so much fun and the kids love it. They are super cute in their little helmets. Kevin even started riding his bike to work a few times a week. That is about a six mile round trip. Very proud of him!

Love to all!


  1. Congratulations!! You can cross those mean boys off your list... I hate excel but I do like my "post-it to do lists" and like them even better when I can throw them away. We love you Crystal and continue to keep you in our hearts, minds and prayers.........

  2. Good news all around! Our thoughts and prayers continue to hold you daily. I can't say it enough...what a fighter you are! Love the posts, keep 'em comin'
    Love and hugs for the Saffel clan :)

  3. Yay! Any positive news is great! I am so glad and thankful they are "watching you like a hawk". So glad the fluids are helping and making a difference for you.

    Congratulations and Happy Anniversary! Glad you guys had a good weekend. You all deserve it. I love Trulucks. We eat there just about every time we are in Dallas. I didn't know until recently that it's a chain. Saw where they have one in Houston too. Amazing what's available when you leave Midland :)

    Crystal, as everyone always says we love you and am so thankful for this blog. We all want to help in any way we can, but you're the one helping all of us with this blog. Its great to be updated (straight from the source :) and what a inspiration you are.

    Will continue to pray for you.

    Love you

  4. You guys are truly an inspiration. We are still here if you ever need anything at all. Keep the good news coming!

    The Nagle Bunch
