Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Updates, Updates and More Updates

So I had the third of four bad boy chemo treatments last week. That means only one more of those guys left! YES! I am told that the next treatments (given weekly for 12 weeks) shouldn’t be so mean. All though, I think I’ve been pretty lucky with the side effects. Some down days for sure but they don’t last and that is lucky! I’m waiting to see how round three is going to treat me. Rounds one and two hit me about a week after treatment with round two being meaner than round one. However, the fab docs switched my anti nausea meds that they give me before treatment and these are supposed to last longer. They also went ahead and scheduled fluids for me when I go in tomorrow for my normal check in and lab work. The fluids last time were a huge help.

I met with another plastic surgeon last week. I loved him. He’s my boob man for sure. He was so informative and a huge help. However, much to my chagrin, he did suggest holding off on reconstruction until after radiation. Not what I wanted to hear but after listening to his expert opinion, I do agree. So, I’ll be boob-less for a while, there are worse things. That means the rest of treatment should go like this: finish chemo, bilateral mastectomy, radiation and then reconstruction.

The plastic surgeon hooked me up with a wonderful lady who is almost done with the reconstruction phase. I left his office and she was ringing my cell not 30 minutes later. We connected instantly and talked for about 45 minutes like we were old friends. She had a ton of great information to give me and couldn’t say enough about his work. She also connected me with two groups here in Austin. So far, I have only joined one but plan on joining the second when things slow down a little. The group is called the Pink Ribbon Cowgirls and it is a support group for young women (yep, I’m still considered young!!) with breast cancer. They have social events and meetings. So far, I have only utilized their forums on line which are great. They are an affiliate of the Breast Cancer Resource Center here in Austin which is just a fab organization.

Kevin and I met with the Radiation Oncologist yesterday. Once again, we are blessed with a great doctor. He’s a funny little man and I know we will get along just fine. We learned that my radiation will consist of 33 treatments. I will go everyday (weekends excluded) for 6.5 weeks. Doesn’t that sound fun? The actual radiation itself only takes about 4 minutes but when you include drive time, waiting time, changing time, and all that good stuff, I’m guessing half a morning or afternoon will be lost. He said the side effects will mainly be skin irritation, kind of like a sun burn. He said some people complain of fatigue but his chemo patients say it is nothing compared to the fatigue of chemo.

Wonderful blessing just continue to happen on this journey for me. As I stated above and many times before, I have met so many wonderful people and the wonderful people already in my life have gone above and beyond the call of duty to help my family and I out. Just last week, I received a package in the mail. Inside was a fabulous “Fight Like a Girl” t-shirt. No return address and no note. I have no idea who it came from but what a great thing for someone to do. Things like that make you realize that something that someone might consider a “little gesture” can actually be a very big gesture on the receiving end. If everyone did something “little” for someone else even on a monthly basis, think of the happiness that would bring!

Love to everyone!


  1. I'm running out of things to say....because how many times can I tell you how AWESOME you truly are. You continue to amaze us all. I'm so glad the "bad boy" treatments are almost over and pray that the new anti nausea medicine kicks in and limits the sickness as much as possible.

    You and your family are always in my prayers daily. We all love you. You keep thinking everyone for what they are doing for you, I want to THANK YOU for all you do for all of us. Seeing and hearing your strength only confirms what we already knew, prayers are answered and God is in control.

    Hope you have a great Mother's Day.


  2. I agree with Martha; I can't find the words to express how proud I am of you and how much I want to be like you when I grow up....(OK, we don't have to go there). Seriously, you've got the attitude, the love and God on your side. I love you Crystal, please give kisses to those little ones............

  3. I'm so glad these rough chemo treatments are almost over for you. I know everyone is different, but my FIL has his last radiation tomorrow and he said it just feels like a slight sunburn! So, I hope your radiation is just as easy! Love ya cuz!

  4. I agree with everyone else, you are one amazing and beautiful person. God really bless this family big time when he gave us you.May God bless you this Mother's Day and I hope you have a good one. Love and kisses to you all.
