Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Guess What I'm Not Doing Today?

That’s right, I am NOT sitting in the infusion room today being healed with poisons! YAY me! It feels very strange. I keep thinking, “I am supposed to be somewhere today, what did I forget…”. Then I remember that I would normally be stuck in a chair for about three hours. My fist free Wednesday in 12 weeks.

Well, a week from now I will be going through my list and running around getting last minute things ready for my surgery. Yesterday, I spent the day with my nephew and when I got a work related email and he asked me if surgery was my work. I guess he’s heard people talk so much about my surgery that he thought that’s what I did for a job. It’s funny and sad all at the same time. Just like the book I bought for the kids, “Sammy’s Mommy Has Cancer” makes me happy and sad at the same time. I love that there are resources out there like that book and it has certainly helped Kaia understand some things (by the way, she says it like a 90 year old woman would, “Sammy’s mommy has THE cancer”) but at the same time I am sadden that the word cancer even has to be in their vocabulary. Six year old nephews and 2 year old daughters shouldn’t know those words. Nobody should know those words.

So off I go to spend my first chemo free Wednesday. I thought maybe I would celebrate with a pedicure but then realized that would mean being stuck in a chair again! I’ll save the pedi for another day…

Love to all.


  1. Huge milestone! So happy for you and your sweet family :) Have a lovely weekend. Praying for the upcoming surgery and all the details. T,K and kids

  2. One step closer to kickin it's ass! Can they make a morphine smoothie by chance? Just an idea! I wish with all my heart that cancer was never a word in anyone's vocabulary, especially the kids. But you have handled it with such dignity and humor that your children and nephew know you'll beat this too.
