Tuesday, August 24, 2010

My Biggest Issue with Breast Cancer

Weight gain! Well, ok, maybe weight gain isn’t my BIGGEST issue with breast cancer but it is up there. 10lbs people. 10 lbs is what I have gained. So that brings me to the question of the day: how much weight will I lose when I lose my girls on Thursday? Haven’t you ever wondered how much your boobs weigh? Come on, I can’t be the only one who has wondered that. So Thursday morning, I will weigh myself and then weigh myself again when I get home Friday. That should sort of tell me how much they weigh. The problem with that is my weight gain hasn’t been in my boobs so I’ll still have some work to do when I can start working out again. I can’t wait for that because I need to be ready to do the Austin Race for the Cure on November 7 (and I need to get rid of this belly so I don’t look 5 months pregnant anymore).

Speaking of the Race for the Cure (such a good segway, don’t you think?), how would you like to join our team, Boobalicious? Don’t want to join, you can donate some dinero. Originally, I set a goal for our team of $500. However, within two hours of posting it on Facebook, we met our goal thanks to two very generous donations. But that doesn’t mean we can’t raise more money! By the way, I am actually going to change the goal to $1000 (oh yes I can do that) but I’m having trouble logging into their site right now. I’ve posted the link below so if you are interested in joining or donating please do! Any amount of a donation is much appreciated!

I know I don’t have to ask but when you wake up Thursday morning, say a little prayer or send good thoughts, whatever it is that you do, for us. Us being my family and the medical team responsible for my surgery Thursday.

Love to all!



  1. Yes, let us know how much those girls weigh. But I would wait until all the bandages were off :) Every bit counts!

    I will continue to pray for strength and faith for you and your family and for knowledge and care of the medical team.

    We love you very much. This is just another step closer to the end of this journey for you and THE VICTORY PARTY!

  2. You and your family are always in my prayers. But I'll say an extra good one on Thursday! You're almost to the finish line beating this thing, keep it up cuz. And BTW, I like to think my "girls" weigh around 30 lbs....it could happen!

  3. I pray for you every day and will continue to pray for you. I know for a fact that God has total control, and he will give the physicians and their staff and yourself the skill, power and strength to get through this surgery and then the healing part of it. Love you Crystal. Kisses and hugs to all of you

  4. First of all - I dont even wanna hear you bitchin' about gaining weight missy priss! You wanna talk about weight gain, we'll talk about my fat ass (25 lbs since starting my crazy pills in April - hence the working out like crazy these days)! LOL Second, I have actually weighed my girls before and they weigh roughly 4lbs (yes ONLY 4lbs) each - but that was a couple of years ago and they have grown (to HH!!!!) so I'm sure they are at least 10 lbs each now (or thats what I'm telling myself anyways!)! On a more serious note, you will all definitely be in our thoughts and prayers... I know you will do great!! Keep on fightin' - you've almost gotten this beast WHOOPED!! Much love and many prayers for you all!!

