Sunday, April 11, 2010

I'm Bringing Sexy Back!

The hair is gone and it feels awesome! I didn’t get the big Mohawk I wanted but I got a miniature one and we had a ton of fun at the head shaving. Pictures below:  Doodle kissing my fuzzy head, Finished Fuzzy Head, Mini Mohawk (Rock On!), Me and Mom, and then Me and Pat with the final wig! (I tried to put them in a better order but it didn't work out!)  I am really enjoying my fuzzy head. My showers are still taking a little longer than they should because I like the way my head feels when I take it out of the water and it dries really quick and cools off. But once I get used to it, I’ll stop playing. Maybe…
Kaia asked me all the time now, “Can I see you with your hair off?” Then she’ll ask, “Are you mommy or daddy?” She asked Gigi to take her hair off too and then asked if she could take her own hair off. Note to self: Keep scissors even more hidden than usual. She has also adopted the Styrofoam head that my wig came with. The wig is called the Erica so Kaia named the head Miss Erica. She colored in her eyes and lips and sleeps with it. It is very creepy but sort of sweet.

So far the second round of chemo is treating me ok. No sickness. Not as many headaches this time either which is good. As with the first, the tiredness kicked in on day three which was yesterday. I’m pretty tired today as well but it doesn’t seem as bad as last time. Hopefully, rest today will make it even better. I hated resting last time because it was so beautiful out but today is it so crappy the couch and movies are calling my name!

My mom once again cleaned my house top to bottom this weekend. She even shampooed the carpets! It is such a relief not to worry about cleaning! Dad planted some tomato and bell pepper plants for me. I can’t wait to eat out of my own garden. Kaia and I have completely redone most of the landscaping in the front yard and it was so therapeutic so my mini garden will be a long term project I can work on. And eat from!

Love to all.


  1. I love the wig on you, it looks really natural. But...the mohawk ROCKS! You could totally pull off a mohawk all the time. I hope this round is easier on you. Lots of love and prayers for even "squishier" boobs.

  2. The wig really does look beautiful and very natural. I agree with Stephanie, you could so pull off the mohawk or just plain shave head. I continue to be amazed and inspired by your attitude. You are very special. I hope you get some rest and as always am keeping you in prayers each and everyday.

    Love you

  3. I love your hair. It reminds me of when you were little, you would tell Pa-Pa to roll up his window, it was messing your hair up. I also like your wig, looks real natural, just like Crystal. Keep your spirits & faith up. It will help. May the Lord be with you & Bless you. I love you

  4. I agree with everyone else about the wig lookin' natural - i thought that was a before pic till I read your blog! Landon says "OMG it's GI Jane!" lol Hope this round is good to ya! Love u all!!

  5. I know I said it before and I'll say it again.You amazie me and you just keep on amazing me. As everyone says you look great in your wig.You look beautiful. Of course you always were and you always will be. Keep going strong and never lose your smile.Your smile is one in a million. My love and prayers are with you always.

  6. Wouldn't ya know it, she even looks awesome without hair! Think of all the wasted hours!!!! Love ya sister!

  7. You look fantastic (with and without the cute wig)! I can already picture you in a cool scarp wrap-y kind of thing. Keep posting the pics :) We continue to pray daily for complete healing, for peace, strength, and hope to be refreshed in you and your sweet family each day. Cheering in your corner~ Tori, Kris and 6 mini-fans
