Saturday, April 17, 2010

Never take life seriously. Nobody gets out alive anyways. -- Anonymous

When I first met with my oncologists, one of the first things I asked is what I needed to do differently with my diet. Her response was, “Nothing.” Then she said, “There is nothing you did that caused you to get breast cancer. But there will be people who will tell you otherwise. Just ignore them. Continue to do what you do.” I like that. I would have liked it better if she told me to tell them all to suck it but whatever.

I consider myself a healthy person. The healthiest? Of course not. But I eat plenty of veggies, whole grains, mostly all organic, hormone free and all that hype. And I walk 3-4 miles a day while pushing 50 pounds of stroller and babies 4-5 times a week. Do I eat fast food occasionally? Yep. Do I do other things that aren’t good for me? Gasp, yep. Do I think that gave me cancer. See oncologist’s response above.

There is a lot of talk about research and cancer causing elements and cancer fighting foods and truthfully it is just overwhelming. I read blogs and forums and so many cancer patients change everything about themselves and their lifestyles when they find out they have cancer. For example, one breast cancer patient blogged about not eating Halloween candy with her kids because she “didn’t put that stuff in her body anymore.” Well, more power to her and I won’t judge her but you won’t catch me doing that. Cancer will not keep in from sitting on the floor on Halloween night and going through Kaia and Caleb’s candy and eating some with them.

Another woman blogged about how people look at you and the not so smart things they sometimes ask or say when they find out you have cancer. Her particular situation involved a complete stranger at a store who just happened to hear her saying something about having breast cancer to her friend. He turned to her and actually said, “Wow, you are so young. What did you do? Drink a lot of sodas? Use Sweet’N Low?” She said she wanted to say, “Yes, I pour 100 packets of Sweet’ N Low in my mouth daily. I am a horrible person and that is why I have cancer.” But instead she politely said, “No.” and walked away. I wonder what I would do in that situation. Would I say, “Actually, I just rubbed the Sweet’N Low on my boobs.” Or would I react like she did? We all know that I would act just like she did. And then I’d come home crying to Kevin about how one of the hardest parts about having cancer is people thinking something you did caused it. And then he’d say something like, I don’t know why you let it bother you, you know better than that. And then I would realize he is right and it would be over. Until it happens again. Eventually maybe that will get easier.

So what do you do with all of this research and studies regarding cancer and cause of and prevention of and blah blah blah? Well, you do what you want. I won’t tell you what to do and I won’t judge. To each his own. Me, I’ll take it all with a grain of salt. Or should that be sea salt? I read them and I shrug. For example, one recent study I read boasted eating broccoli as a prevention and cure for breast cancer in particular. Guess whose favorite food is broccoli? You guessed it, your favorite little blogger with breast cancer. Same thing for spinach, cilantro, peppers, avocado, tomatoes, and the flax seed I sprinkle on my food, and the list goes on. Sometimes you just get cancer. Sometimes there is no blatant reason why. And you can apply that to anything in life. Not just cancer.

So what is my reason for today’s blog? I really don’t know. Just continuing to share my thoughts as I make my way through this journey. So don’t read too much into it. Hey, just treat it like I do research studies!

Love to all.


  1. I truly believe this cancer has picked on the wrong bitch! You are truly amazing. I really did laugh out loud when reading your come back on the sweet and low. I apologize for all the stupid people in the world who don't know when to keep their mouth shut. You are an inspiration for all. I love you and I love your attitude.

  2. Crystal, thanks for this blog. You don't realize how much you do for me (and probably many more when you write). We all want to know what we can do for you and yet, you are doing so much for us. I love you and am so proud to say I know you.....and even prouder to say you are my niece!!!

  3. kathryn CunninghamApril 18, 2010 at 8:07 AM

    I won’t die with my song inside me. I sing everyday my eclectic tune. Arms wide, raw heart exposed I laugh as I make up words, knowing I will find my way and persevere when my sweet song is reduced to a raspy whisper in moments of despair…but I sing, still I sing, sing, sing. My song will not be caged, my radiant eyes will give it away. My song has broad flowing wings that effortlessly soar, and fill the sky with wild colored sprinkles of me. -Kristen Jongen-
    Keep singing, Crystal.

  4. I am so proud of you. You are a joy and a blessing to our family.I love you so very much.I am so proud to be your aunt. Love and kisses to you and your family.

  5. I read Johnny your blogs everytime they are updated. He wanted me to tell you: "People will also ask you if you have good days and bad days. Tell them "everyday above the ground is a good day"

    Love you, Johnny"

  6. I cannot believe that people would actually say or ask such mindless things! Sorry you have to deal with this crap. I want to say "it'll get better", but the truth is you can't fix stupid. So...tell 'em to suck it! Love ya girl.
