Monday, March 22, 2010

Adios Drain!

Dad took me to the doctor this morning and we said “adios” to the drain! I hated that darn thing. Now we can hopefully get this chemo party started! The doctor did say that she would classify this as a stage III cancer but wants me to talk to the oncologist for another opinion and more information. That was bummer news and I did let it get me down for a tad. Just a tad and then I realized that as far as I am concerned that just means we fight harder. And as my sister pointed out, “Hey, that’s better than stage IV!” Indeed it is. (That positive attitude runs in the family.) Speaking of positive, today was the first time in a week that I was able to hold the kids so we did a lot of that today! Though Kaia is over it already.  :)

While, dad took me to the doctor, Kevin took Caleb in for his 9 month check up. Yep, the kid is nine months old already. Hard to believe. Anyway, he has pink eye AGAIN and an ear infection…AGAIN. Poor dude. Hopefully he will be better soon. Mom stayed here with Kaia and I am sure she cleaned more. That woman cleaned my house this weekend better than I ever have. If was so nice being able to play with the kids and do some work without a dirty house surrounding me today. In fact, I was able to take Kaia and Caleb to the park and pond. Kaia had a blast throwing rocks in the water and making wishes on dandelions. Caleb just enjoys being outside no matter what he is doing.

Kevin and I can’t even express the gratitude we have for the help my sister and parents have given us. They just rock, plain and simple.

On another note, I want to thank everyone for their comments to my posts. I’m sorry I don’t respond to all of them but please know that I read and cherish each and every one. They mean everything to me and are very uplifting. They will be printed and put in my cancer scrapbook! (I have never done any sort of scrapbook before and I know some of you guys do so email any pointers to!)

Love to all.

1 comment:

  1. Poor Caleb - he's having a rough time at it lately! Hope he gets better soon!! Yea for the drain going bye-bye - glad you got to hold your kiddos again! Keep that positive attitude comin' - that's what will lead you to victory! Love to all!
