Monday, March 15, 2010

Today's Events

This will be short because I'm really drugged up.  (Disclaimer:  Not responsible for any silliness!) 

Port is in and all is good there.  Not sore or anything (yet).

The lymph node biospy did show the bastard cancer has spread to some lymph nodes.  So they were removed.  (Still just talking about left side since the spots they found on the right breast are not confirmed cancer at this point.)  I have a JP Drain that is oh so comfortable and not gross one bit.  That should come out on Monday.  I've called the oncologist to see if I can still got through the liver MRI and bone scan tomorrow as scheduled so we shall see. 

I am as high as my spirits right now.  Doodle has been fabulous watching my kids and of course they love having her here.  Kevin has been fabulous taking care of me!  We are all doing well!

Love to all!


  1. Yay for Kevin and Doodle. I know it means alot for you to have them both. You let them take care of you and get your rest. Lots of prayers and love going out to you.

    Love you

  2. May the Lord be with you & keep you in his hands.GOD BLESS YOU> Love you so very very much

  3. I am gald that you are keeping your spirits up. Like Martha said Yay Kevin and Doodle. I am gald that you have them to take care of you and the kids. As always my love and prayers are with you all.

  4. Sorry to hear the not so great news, but very glad your spirits are still high!! Lotsa love, hugs, and prayer comin' atcha!!

  5. Ok, so I didn't know what a JP drain was - so I googled it... It looks totally comfortable and totally not gross!! You poor girl! I hope it gets to come out much sooner than later! Ugh... Keep those spirits high chica! Hugs and prayers! Love ya!

  6. I said it from the beginning and I will say it again, I love you Crystal and I love your attitude. You have some tough days ahead of you, not doubt, but I truly believe you will come out of this stronger than you are now. We love you and praying for you all the time.

  7. Thanks for keeping this so up to date! You are an amazing woman:)
    Love, hugs and prayers,T and crew

  8. Love you, girl.
    Keep kicking ass!
