Thursday, March 25, 2010

First chemo cocktail has been served! Nothing like happy hour but I'll take what I can get.

See my very serious picture on the side? It went really well and we finished in about 4 hours which was quicker than the 6 they told us to prepare for. I have all kinds of fun drugs to help with the nausea. Since the chemo can be excreted from your bodily fluids (gross) for 48 hours after treatment, I have to do things like flush the toilet twice (that makes the hippie part of me very sad) and make sure I don’t throw up on anyone. And of course, I shouldn’t be around anyone who is sick or large crowds and have to wash my hands often to avoid the plaque that my kids no doubt carry constantly. My first four treatments will happen every two weeks and then we switch to weekly treatments for 12 weeks. I will also switch to a Wednesday treatment day which actually works out better.

Kevin and I both took our lap tops and did work and I read some too (Chelsea Handler is hilarious! Thank you Martha!). He brought me a fabulous spinach salad from Chez Zee for lunch. Next time, I plan on watching chick flicks (again, thank you Martha!) and napping! The whole process is a little odd in that it’s just a big room with about 40 chairs. Some people sleep, some read, some watch TV and I want to know ALL of their stories!! I had to refrain from talking to everyone I saw. :)  The staff is just incredible and I felt like I was being pampered more than I felt I was being treated for cancer. Inserting the IV in the port hurt like a SOB for a very brief time but they gave me some cream to put on it before I go in next time to numb it. I think they didn’t give me the cream before this treatment so I would know what it feels like. I just completely made that up. I really have no idea why I just got it.

Mom and Dad are coming in tonight. Tomorrow, Dad is taking me to get the shot I have to get after every treatment (to increase white blood cells to fight infection) while mom stays with the kiddos. At some point, either tomorrow afternoon or Saturday, we are going to go wig shopping! I really see myself as more of a head cover and hat kind of gal but I want a wig or two as well. You know, for those occasions when a head cover just won’t do! (Right now my cousin Ashley is wondering what possible events I could have where a head cover won’t work and is already planning an outfit for me. Sorry, Ash, nothing up coming!) My Aunt Sissy sent me some great catalogs and hair color samples so I can order some more wigs after I figure out how they work! I’ll probably end up shaving my head soon. Cancer has enough control of my life and I will choose when I go bald thank you very much!

We came home to some beautiful flowers with a brilliant card from my “Dombroski fans” (Thank you Whitney!) and some pasta with fabulous homemade marinara was sitting in our kitchen from our neighbors (Thank you Rebecca!). Which once again proves to me (everyday something or someone does) that we have such a wonderful group of family and friends and the breast support team anyone could ask for. Man, I’m spoiled!

Love to all.


  1. Crystal you are something else, but you always were. All I have to say is,may the Lord be with you and Bless you and keep you well. Love You So Very Much.

  2. It's been said many times. You are amazing!! Yes, I know it's important and necessary to have a good attitude, but I don't know anyone who would consider this being pampered. I hope you keep the good spirits up and so glad you have good friends and family. That doesn't happen by chance, that happens because you're truly a joy and a blessing
    Love ya

  3. Crystal, as I've said before, I LOVE YOUR ATTITUDE!!!!God bless you and Kevin in the weeks ahead. I KNOW you're going to beat this! Love you both, Jo Ellen

  4. I am still amaze by you. I don't how to put this in words. All I can say is that you are one strong and beautiful woman.Like Martha said you really are a joy and blessing. God bless you and your family. Love to you all.

  5. I am so proud of you, girl. I love you and cannot tell you enough how amazing you are. Johnny said to tell you to keep up the great attitude and when things get hard, "get mad-dog mean". That's Flippo for ya. I told him I would tell you but I don't think you can get mean. God bless you and your family.

  6. Hey chica!! Glad your first day went well (as well as a chemo treatment can be I suppose!). I'm not too sure that I agree with Boo Boo - I'm pretty darn sure that you CAN get that mean when it comes to this cancer (the "suck it cancer" comment is proof enough for me!! lol). I don't have anything to say that everyone else hasn't already said so I will just say to keep up that GREAT POSITIVE attitude and hit this beast head on!! We love you girl!!

  7. Thought about you and prayed for you throughout the day. I'm sure it's good to have the first day of chemo under your belt and know what that will look like. Can't wait to see you sporting your new can pull pretty much anything off with your cute spunkiness! :)
    Love, hugs, and blessings from all us Millers, Tori and Kris

  8. My goodness girl, but you are awesome. Battline the Big C, working, taking care of kids, and keeping us up to date with this blog. Thank you so much for your positive attitude. What a beautiful example you are for all of us. God bless and love to you, Kevin and the 2 mighty mites! Diane

  9. Once again...You are Awesome!!!

  10. There was a female officer here that lost her hair while doing chemo. She had a baseball cap with a pony tail coming out the back and some "fly away" hair around the front and sides. You absolutely could not tell it wasn't her real hair and it was really cute. You'll look super cute no matter what you choose. You can pull anything off. Keep your chin up girl.
