Saturday, March 13, 2010

Surprise! More tests coming my way!

So, in addition to the bone scan on Tuesday, I now have to have a liver MRI done as well. They found a little spot which appears to just be tangled blood vessels (common and nothing needs to be done) but the oncologist wants an MRI done just to be sure. Though I cringe at the thought of another test, I appreciate her being so cautious.
Also, the breast MRI that they did on Thursday showed some spots in my right breast as well. (Currently the cancer has just been found in my left breast.) And what does that mean? You guessed it, more test. This test will be a MRI guided biopsy. But because there is so much going on next week and scheduling issues, that one won’t be done until the 1st. (Sigh of relief.)

I am, of course, still very hopeful and optimistic! And my sense of humor is still strong (see my new shirt attached!). Thanks to everyone for the continued support!

Love to all.


  1. Just what you wanted to hear...more tests! I'm sorry you have to endure more poking and such. It does sound like your Dr is trying to be very thorough and do right by you. Keep your head up and I love the new shirt.

  2. Bless your heart! Know none of this is what you wanted to hear, but I agree at least they are being cautious AND that IS what you want. Keep that strong attitude and sense of humor. We love you so much.


  3. Just wanted to say that you are one amazing woman. With the attiude and the great outlook that you have, there is no doubt in my mind that you will beat this cancer. You are one strong and very tough lady. My prayers and love are with you always.

  4. So proud of you! You too can beat this and come out of it as a stronger and more beautiful woman! Losing your hair in time for summer is actually kinda nice! The only thing is that I think God should let you pick where the hair grows back when it is finished....damn leg hair! My hair is all back...Boo!!

  5. Crystal,
    Your strength is an inspiration! I don't doubt that every person who reads this blog will be encouraged to press on in whatever their own battle may be. Kris, our kids and I are praying together and separately for you and your precious family daily. Keep pressing on, we're all fighting with you.
    Side definitely can pull off the bandana, wig, and Sesame Street eyebrows :)
    May peace, strength and hope carry you through this week.
    Love and blessings,
    Tori, Kris and crew

  6. Wow - not the news anyone would want to hear! But it is much better to be safe than to be sorry!! If there is anything else lurking about, at least it will be found quickly and can be dealt with quickly! Keep that positive attitude and sense of humor up and this will be no sweat for ya!! LOVE the shirt and totally agree!! Love you all!!!

  7. You're tough, you're strong and you're loved. You can do this girl, I know you can.
