Monday, March 29, 2010

My new do and other updates!

So there I am with my upcoming new do and one of my new favorite people, Pat. She owns Pat Painter's and is just an absolute hoot!  That is the only wig I tried on and just instantly knew it was the one.  It's not green like Kaia wanted but she still said, "I like your new hair mommy."  Pat Painter's specializes in chemo patients and there were three or so other "young ladies" in there picking out thier wigs.  One girl was in for her head shaving and was in full mohawk when we walked in!  I can't wait for that!  I plan on scheduling that after my second chemo treatment next week. 

So far chemo is treating me ok.  I get tired pretty easily and yesterday I was just zapped and had some bone pains from the shot I had Friday but today, I am back to normal.  Well, as normal as I ever have been anyway. 

Thursday afternoon, I go in for lab work to check my blood count and to meet with the doctor to check on progress.  They should be able to feel the lump getting smaller even this soon.  I'll let everyone know how those appointments go!

Thank you for your continuous support and prayers. 

Love to all!


  1. WOW! I like your new hair too. I really like the color. I'm so glad to hear that they are checking on your progress so soon. That's amazing that they'll be able to feel the lump getting smaller so soon. Well....easy for me to say huh? I bet it doesnt feel "too amazing". As it has been said many times, you're amazing and I love you so much! You are always on my mind and in my prayers daily.
    Love ya!

  2. The match is perfect (the do). I really thought it was your hair (after a cut). The color match is amazing.........I'm like Kaia though, a little wild color would of been great. Seriously, Crystal, I love you and continue to send good thoughts and prayers your way. Hang in there, I know you can do this................

  3. I love your new hair. You really look good. I am so gald that you are doing so well. AS always you amaze me with your strenght . you are an inspiration to us all.My prayers and love are with you always.

  4. I love your hair. It looks just like Crystal.Poor Kaia never gets her way, does she? Just kidding. Glad you are felling better today. Just remember, what the Lord leads you to, he will lead you thru it. Will keep praying for you and may the Lord's blessing be with you. Love You.

  5. Love the do, but I want to see the Mohawk too. Thanks for sharing your incredibly positive attitude. I feel blessed to know you. Much love & lots of prayers for you. Diane

  6. Super cute hair :) Happy to see you were out and about some on Saturday. We love to see your posts, YOU encourage US! Kris and I would love to come see you soon when (and if) you are up for it. Your posts are a great. Keep em comin'!
    Love and prayers from all 6, Tori and Kris

  7. Well, I love the wig too. It is perfect - but - I think Kaia should have a little more say in the matter so this is my suggestion. Why not dye you hair green the day before your appointment to get your head shaved. And of course, post a photo of yourself with the green Kaia hair on your blog. And even better yet, have someone take a photo of you in full green Mohawk. Just a thought.
    And in todays photo I can see your mom in the background. Love her.
    You are such an entertaining write, Crystal. You have a real talent.
    Lots of prayers and hugs to you. Kay

  8. Love the new hair. I'm with Booboo though, I thought it was a new hair cut. Looks perfect! I had a friend who colored her hair blue when she started chemo. She said if her hair was going to fall out, she was going to get a laugh out of it. She called it her "smurf trail"! Stay strong and keep up the good attitude.

  9. Absolutely love your new hairdo. VERY attractive! I'm with Tori and Kris, YOU encourage ME. What a fantastic person you are... your parents did a great job. Love you and still praying for your strength, health, and family. Jo Ellen
