Sunday, March 21, 2010

There's an upside to cancer?! Who knew...

Does cancer suck? Yes. Am I angry every day that my family and I have to deal with me having cancer? Yes. Have I had my fair share (if not more) of crying, screaming, and cussing this cancer? You bet I have. Do I wish that I didn’t have it? Of course. Am I going to sulk and let it get me down? HECK NO! I’m going to take advantage of all the positives of cancer. This is early in the game and I know the amount of suck will grow but that just means I’ll have to find more positives to combat the negatives as they come along. In the mean time, these are the positives I have discovered so far (in no particular order):

 Kevin is home more. Now don’t get confused, I am thrilled and thankful that Kevin has a job he is so passionate about and I push him to go to work when I don’t need him home but it is nice to see him more often now. Heatwave is our second family and we are grateful to share our lives with them. (Kevin will think that it too mushy but he can get over it.)

 People are so nice everywhere you go. I’ve met about 100 new people in the medical community since my diagnosis and each time, I am amazed at the sincerity of their kind words and not only their willingness but their desire to help me in any way possible.

 Your mom cleans your house top to bottom.

 You and your family are in the prayers of thousands of people nationwide. Your name is mentioned in prayer groups, prayer lists and who knows what else. There is something very humbling about that.

 Your parents come down and allow you to sleep late and take naps.

 You become more patient with those around you, especially your kids. So, this is a double plus: for me and my kids but since they don’t have a blog, I’ll use it.

People send you movies, books, religious items and buy themselves stuff that shows the public they support your fight against breast cancer. 

 You notice the blooms in the trees, the smell of the rain, and things around you are more colorful and bright.

 You hug a little tighter.

 You get to buy cute head covers for your upcoming bald head.

 You rekindle old friendships.

 “Kevin you change the poopy diaper, I have cancer.” Ok, so he didn’t fall for this one but I tried.

There are many more pluses but those are the ones that come to mind this morning. I’ll let everyone know if I get this drain out tomorrow.

Love to all.


  1. I am so very proud of the attitude you have about all of this. You truly amaze me. Keep it up and always know you are never alone

  2. What can I say. You go girl. you are so amazing. You are one tough mama. You have the best attiude and outlook about all of this.I know you are not about to let this or anything get you down. So you go girl and stay strong .My love and prayers are with you all.

  3. Crystal, I have been trying to figure out why God picked you. (I was always taught NOT to ask why, but you know me). I might have it figured out. You are so strong, so amazing and so positive, you are a voice and a reason for so many. I know, Cancer has been around for a long time, and there have been many to take charge and do wonderful things, BUT, I have never heard of anyone finding something "Positive about Cancer", Never. Many on this blog have said how amazing you are; well, lady, you truly are. I love you, so much more than you will ever know. I have always loved you and been proud, but nothing or no words could explain just how much, right now.

  4. And that attitude, my friend, is the reason you are going to Kick This Cancer's Ass straight into the next century!! Your positive attitude and outlook about all of this never ceases to amaze me. Me, I would be sitting there crying, feeling sorry for myself, and probably never seeing the light of day!! For you to be able to find the "positives of cancer" is amazing. I am with Boo Boo on this one - I've never heard of anyone finding positives about it. In fact, I'm pretty sure I heard an "oh shit - we gotta jet!! This chick ain't messin' around..." from the cancer cells as I read this blog post! Keep that attitude and keep your faith strong! Love you guys and praying hard for each of you every day!!

  5. You, my dear, are one of a kind...
