Monday, March 22, 2010

It's About Time We Get Some Good News!

Bone scan and liver MRI came back all clear!  YEA!  That is absolutely fabulous news.  That means the cancer has not spread past my breast and lymph nodes!  Crystal 1, Cancer 0.  Suck it cancer!

We start chemo Thursday at 9. 

I'll keep my chin up and keep loving life.  I encourage all of you to do the same!

Love to all.


  1. GOD, I thank you. Crystal, it is about time for some good news. I always knew you had this thing beat, but now I would bet my entire worth (and my debt on credit cards, of course). Seriosuly, I love you and am dancing with joy for this good news and great works from GOD..........................

  2. There you go! That's awesome!
    "The Lord is good, a safe place in times of trouble".
    So glad to hear the good news. I know it has to be hard to fight from getting down, you are human! Now that you have this good news, you can pull yourself back up and get ready to start fighing this cancer on Thursday. You do not need to be worrying about responding to everyone. We all are just so appreciative of this blog to keep us all updated. We all love you so very much and none of us expect anything from you.
    "Give all your cares to the Lord and He will give you strength. He will never let those who are right with him be shaken"
    Love you!

  3. Rejoicing, rejoicing, rejoicing with you!!! 6 BIG fans in Sugar Land lifting you up daily. Love and hugs, Tori,Kris and crew

  4. Crystal....YEAH!! "In all things, give thanks..." This one deserves a big THANK YOU GOD!!

  5. As the above posters have said, we ditto all. Yall are always in our hearts and prayers. God never gives you more than you can handle. Britt's mom used to always tell me that. I'm not sure if cancer fighting people ever had a cheerleader but, if they do, you would be the head cheerleader. There is no way people can have a "pity party" with you around. Britt was so true when he told you on facebook that YOU are our new HERO! Keep up the awesome work and keep kicking cancer's ass! Hugs and Kisses to all of you...Britt, Laura and boys

  6. Finally! Some good news! Hang in there Crystal! I second what everyone else is saying....strong, beautiful and brave. Love ya kiddo.

  7. "How Great Thou Are". How many times have I heard this & sung it in church. Now I truely know how great the Lord is. I will keep praying for you. Just keep your spirits &
    good thoughts up. Since you can hug again, I wish I were there were you could give be a big hug,but it won't be long. I LOVE YOU.

  8. Praise God!! That is wonderful news!! Those prayers are working!! XOXO

  9. That's the best news ever. I am so happy that I can't stop smileing . Thank the Lord for answering all our prayers.I love you so very much. My prayers are still with you now and always. You are still one amazing woman.

  10. That is wonderful news!!!!! We will miss you at the wedding, but know you are needed in battle. Will send you lots of pictures. We love you and are praying for you. Uncle Steve and Aunt Donna

  11. * * * * F R E A K I N A W E S O M E * * * *

    Like I WILL kick it's ass, and Donetta and I will be there to celebrate with you every step of the way!

    -John Nagle
