Friday, March 5, 2010

Just got a call from doctor

Well, I just posted that blog entry and as soon as I did before I even had a chance to mail it out, the doctor called. They did find more invasive cancer that spread to the outer cells so it looks like we are dealing with more than DCIS. Our game plan hasn't changed, we still meet Monday to discuss where to go from here. But she said they really won't know more about it until the remove the lumps. Keep the good thoughts and prayers coming. Love everyone.


  1. Crystal, thank you so much for this blog. You have so many people who love and care about you and we all want to know the latest without over loading you with phone calls. You are amazing to be thinking of everyone else at a time like this. Between our families and friends there are several survivors and you are going to beat this too.

    I love you and will be praying for you daily!


  2. You are amazing!! I love your attitude and I love you. You ARE going to kick this cancer's ass. Boo Boo

  3. Turtle, you are truly an amazing woman. "Cancer picked the wrong bitch!" Hope you did get your bag ordered. You know that our thoughts and prayers will always and forever be with yall. I hope you took Britt's advice and had that glass or two of wine and hung out with your family. Hugs and Kisses from us!
